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Made For This Podcast-Episode 11: Common Threads 2

Hey everyone!

Well, it's been quite an emotional week for my family! On this second, "Common Threads" episode, I share a little bit about my amazing experience saying goodbye (for now) to my 95 year old grandma right before she went home to be with the Lord. It was such an incredible time with my family, full of sweet moments that I will never forget.

I also share a few of my thoughts on hope and the words of hope we spoke to my grandma as we circled her hospital bed during her last few days on earth. While it is hard to say goodbye, these were precious moments since we knew she had placed her hope in Christ and her hope of heaven was sure.

In addition, you'll get to hear my thoughts on the "common threads" that have woven the past few episodes together. I love seeing common attributes of God woven through each of the stories of the women interviewed.

I'd love to hear from you and what this podcast has gotten you thinking about! Please feel free to write to me in the comments section below, or you can always email me at: And be sure to hit "subscribe" in iTunes in order to ensure that all of these amazing testimonies drop into your inbox each week!

Thanks again so much for listening! I appreciate you all so much!


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