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Recent Episodes:
Episode 1: Special Guest: Julie Wilhite
In this episode I interview my dear friend Julie Wilhite. You will love hearing her "So Close" moment, her amazing life of being a wife to her best friend and mom of three beautiful children, and her roll as full time children's director. Thanks for joining our conversation! I know you will be encouraged by her life of purpose.
Episode 2: Special Guest: Kirsten Holmberg
In this episode I interview my dear friend Kirsten Holmberg. Kirsten is a professional speaker, writer, editor, and blogger. You will love hearing about her "So Close" moment, her journey as a writer, and her thoughts on adoption. You will even be invited to a special upcoming event: LIFT: Living Inspired, Fearless, Thriving. Thanks for joining our conversation! I know you will be encouraged by her life of purpose.
Episode 3-Special Guest: Jenny Hampton
Cozy up on this snowy day with stories from my amazing friend, Jenny Hampton on Episode 3 of the "Made For This" Podcast. You will love hearing about her hilarious "SO close" moments, her life oversees, and her remarkable ability to say yes to whatever God has in front of her! Afterwards be sure to hop on over to the blog to continue the conversation!
Episode 6- Special Guest: Donna Gray
I just loved my interview with my dear friend Donna Gray! I am so inspired by her intentional decision to choose joy and gratitude in all circumstances. She has such a compelling love for all people, and a sincere desire to make a difference with the life she has. And she does!!!
Episode 4: Special Guest: Kirsten Skeesuck
Dramatic twists and turns, life overseas, a 500 mile journey, and a product that heals everything. You will LOVE hearing about her incredible and inspiring story.
Episode 7- Special Guest: Karli Stobie
I am so excited to introduce you to my dear friend Karli Stobie! Karli is a wife to her husband Joel, and a mom to four beautiful girls, and she home schools all four of them!!! You will love her hilarious "SO close" moments (yes, I had to include more than one), her strategies for pressing in close to God during difficult seasons, and her incredible heart for justice that she beautifully cultivates in her children.
Episode 8-Special Guest: Lori Green
You are in for such a treat! On episode 8 I interview my good friend Lori Anne. In addition to hearing about her incredible work in kid's ministry, you will also hear about two amazing miracles that God performed in their family! Her story is so inspiring and such a testimony to God's power and faithfulness.
Episode 9-Special Guests: Edith Njenga and Arlene Hardy
I am so excited to introduce you my guests Edith Njenga (My first international guest all the way from Kenya!) and Arlene Hardy from Boise, ID. These amazing women founded an organization called Expansion International and God has used their efforts to change the lives of literally thousands of people. You will be so inspired by their stories!
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